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The following acts, in addition to breach of any of the norms contained in this handbook, will be treated as misconduct:

  • Taking any bribes, gifts or incentives, causing sabotage and willful damage to any property of the organization.


  • Theft, fraud, cheating, misappropriation or dishonesty in connection with Mantra’s work or property.


  • Giving false information or concealing information regarding age, qualification, previous employment or any other information that may be required or called for.


  • Neglect of work or negligence in the discharge of duties on work allotted.


  • Smoking on the premises.


  • Consumption of intoxicating drinks/drugs/gambling/creating a nuisance in the premises or coming to duty under the influence or having consumed the same.


  • Use of abusive, uncivil, offensive, unparliamentary, derogatory or inappropriate language.


  • Divulge confidential matters related to the organisation or destroy organization records and property.


  • Willful false claim/exaggerated claims of expense made on behalf of Mantra.


  • Giving assurance oral or otherwise to any person of providing employment, admission, without proper authorization.


  • Any form of physical, verbal and sexual abuse.


  • Indulging in differential/preferential treatment amongst fellow employees including discriminating gender preferences, and/or creating or promoting an atmosphere of differential economic/social status.


  • Rude, impolite, objectionable and undisciplined behavior with staff, colleagues, or visitors on the premises.


  • Be guilty of habitual late coming, negligence of duty, insubordination, defiance of lawful order, disrespectful behavior, rumour mongering and character assassination.


  • Be convicted by the court of law for criminal offence.

  • The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (POSH Act) was enacted as a comprehensive legislation to provide a safe, secure and enabling environment, free from sexual harassment to every Employee. At Mantra we follow a gender neutral policy.

CPP (feature to include getting online signature from employees)

  • A Child Protection Policy (CPP) is an organization's commitment to protect children from abuse, exploitation and organizational negligence. This is reflected in the way an organization conducts its activities and the way staff behave.

  • Every employee is required to sign and submit a copy of the CPP at the time of joining. Mantra Social Services CPP :

  • Every employee is required to sign and submit a copy of the POSH Policy and will also have to undertake a mandatory course on POSH at the time of joining. Mantra Social Services POSH policy:


  • You are required to do comprehensive and refresher courses in POSH awareness periodically through our third party platform. We will notify you regarding this when you join.

  • The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (POSH Act) was enacted as a comprehensive legislation to provide a safe, secure and enabling environment, free from sexual harassment to every Employee. At Mantra we follow a gender neutral policy.

  • A Child Protection Policy (CPP) is an organization's commitment to protect children from abuse, exploitation and organizational negligence. This is reflected in the way an organization conducts its activities and the way staff behave.

  • Every employee is required to sign and submit a copy of the CPP at the time of joining. Mantra Social Services CPP :


The following acts, in addition to breach of any of the norms contained in this handbook, will be treated as misconduct:

  • Taking any bribes, gifts or incentives, causing sabotage and willful damage to any property of the organization.


  • Theft, fraud, cheating, misappropriation or dishonesty in connection with Mantra’s work or property.


  • Giving false information or concealing information regarding age, qualification, previous employment or any other information that may be required or called for.


  • Neglect of work or negligence in the discharge of duties on work allotted.


  • Smoking on the premises.


  • Consumption of intoxicating drinks/drugs/gambling/creating a nuisance in the premises or coming to duty under the influence or having consumed the same.


  • Use of abusive, uncivil, offensive, unparliamentary, derogatory or inappropriate language.


  • Divulge confidential matters related to the organisation or destroy organization records and property.


  • Willful false claim/exaggerated claims of expense made on behalf of Mantra.


  • Giving assurance oral or otherwise to any person of providing employment, admission, without proper authorization.


  • Any form of physical, verbal and sexual abuse.


  • Indulging in differential/preferential treatment amongst fellow employees including discriminating gender preferences, and/or creating or promoting an atmosphere of differential economic/social status.


  • Rude, impolite, objectionable and undisciplined behavior with staff, colleagues, or visitors on the premises.


  • Be guilty of habitual late coming, negligence of duty, insubordination, defiance of lawful order, disrespectful behavior, rumour mongering and character assassination.


  • Be convicted by the court of law for criminal offence.

 (feature to include getting online signature from employees)

  • Every employee is required to sign and submit a copy of the POSH Policy and will also have to undertake a mandatory course on POSH at the time of joining. Mantra Social Services POSH policy:


The following acts, in addition to breach of any of the norms contained in this handbook, will be treated as misconduct:

  • Taking any bribes, gifts or incentives, causing sabotage and willful damage to any property of the organization.


  • Theft, fraud, cheating, misappropriation or dishonesty in connection with Mantra’s work or property.


  • Giving false information or concealing information regarding age, qualification, previous employment or any other information that may be required or called for.


  • Neglect of work or negligence in the discharge of duties on work allotted.


  • Smoking on the premises.


  • Consumption of intoxicating drinks/drugs/gambling/creating a nuisance in the premises or coming to duty under the influence or having consumed the same.


  • Use of abusive, uncivil, offensive, unparliamentary, derogatory or inappropriate language.


  • Divulge confidential matters related to the organisation or destroy organization records and property.


  • Willful false claim/exaggerated claims of expense made on behalf of Mantra.


  • Giving assurance oral or otherwise to any person of providing employment, admission, without proper authorization.


  • Any form of physical, verbal and sexual abuse.


  • Indulging in differential/preferential treatment amongst fellow employees including discriminating gender preferences, and/or creating or promoting an atmosphere of differential economic/social status.


  • Rude, impolite, objectionable and undisciplined behavior with staff, colleagues, or visitors on the premises.


  • Be guilty of habitual late coming, negligence of duty, insubordination, defiance of lawful order, disrespectful behavior, rumour mongering and character assassination.


  • Be convicted by the court of law for criminal offence.

  • The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (POSH Act) was enacted as a comprehensive legislation to provide a safe, secure and enabling environment, free from sexual harassment to every Employee. At Mantra we follow a gender neutral policy.

POSH (feature to include getting online signature from employees)

  • You are required to do comprehensive and refresher courses in POSH awareness periodically through our third party platform. We will notify you regarding this when you join.

  • Every employee is required to sign and submit a copy of the POSH Policy and will also have to undertake a mandatory course on POSH at the time of joining. Mantra Social Services POSH policy:

CPP (feature to include getting online signature from employees)

  • A Child Protection Policy (CPP) is an organization's commitment to protect children from abuse, exploitation and organizational negligence. This is reflected in the way an organization conducts its activities and the way staff behave.

  • Every employee is required to sign and submit a copy of the CPP at the time of joining. Mantra Social Services CPP :

  • Every employee is required to sign and submit a copy of the POSH Policy and will also have to undertake a mandatory course on POSH at the time of joining. Mantra Social Services POSH policy:

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